Sunday 1 May 2016

Manipulation of Diegetic Time and Space

The manipulation of diegetic time and space refers to a range of techniques used in filmmaking to change the dimensions of space and time in ways that would not be possible in real life.
  • Time can be condensed and stretched.
  • Space can be compacted and expanded.

Diegetic Sound – Sound that the actors can hear and are aware of it.
Non-diegetic Sound – Sound that the actors cannot hear and are not aware of.

Wide angles can be used to constrain large spaces to the dimensions of aspect ratio and frame.
Deep focus can be used in conjunction with lighting effects to add enormous depth and detail to interior spaces.

Cutting from one location to another location can make the two appear connected.
Editorial techniques such as ellipsis and expansion of time manipulate time as it is experienced to the audience.

Flash backs presenting recollected events in a character’s memory can be used to reveal key aspects to the plot;

Flash forwards into the future can reveal what a character is planning/expecting. 

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